Hôpital Privé La Casamance
Urgence Adulte 24h/24
All involved in your health
Our clinic is a multidisciplinary health facility

Welcome to the Clinique Casamance

The Clinique La Casamance, which was founded in 1956 and became a private hospital in 2013, is a benchmark establishment in the "Aubagne - La Ciotat" health region. It has managed to retain its family character while developing the most advanced medical techniques and improving reception and stay conditions through regular renovation programmes.

175 private practitioners from a wide range of specialities work here, thanks to a high-level technical infrastructure. In addition, multi-disciplinary medical teams provide safe, 24-hour care for patients admitted to hospital or in an emergency.


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Make an appointment

To make an appointment online, it's quick and easy
click on the link below and let us guide you.

Come to the centre

Bus line 6
Bus line 6

La Penne sur Huveaune - Eiffel - Itinerary

Contact us


Call Us

Tél. : 04 91 88 40 00
Prendre rdv : 04 91 88 43 39


Send us an email:

Click here
Hôpital Privé La Casamance

33, Boulevard des Farigoules
13400 Aubagne

Our commitments

Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.